This DVD includes all the utilities
found in Hiren's Boot CD 13.1 (Febrary 2011) [1]
and it is Restored to contain all the commercial utilities
omitted from the official HBCD releases (since version 11.0.)
For the complete list of utilities in the official Hiren's
Boot CD read the files HBCD.txt and the changelogs.
For installation to USB read file 'usb-install'.
The large difference in size from the official CD release
is mainly due to the inclusion of:
-- SystemRescue CD (+225 Mb). [2]
This Linux rescue distro is a lot better
than the RIP Linux of the official release. [3]
-- Acronis True Image Home 2011 (+200 Mb). [4]
The new Acronis suit included here is the best
disk cloning/management utility.
-- Kaspersky Rescue Disk (+200 Mb). [5]
Used for severe virus infections when it
not possible to disinfect the computer
from within the operating system.
This .iso will fit in an 8cm (3 inch) mini DVD (1.4 Gb)
or a 2Gb USB stick.
If you wish to reduce the size, to fit a CD
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